Well Dixie is back on TV. Guess she wants to be on to say
goodbye. In any instance, we are here for another week of action. We find out
who Dixie put in charge. Even if you know who he is, you will ask yourself why
it is him.
We start with a recap of last week’s main event between TNA
World Heavyweight Champion Ethan Carter III vs. Kurt Angle. After the match,
Dixie turns face. Because that’s what the show was missing.
Dixie starts by apologizing, and giving what sounds like it
will be used on a Rise and Fall DVD. EC3 calls this a farce, and wants to know
who this “The Law” is. Out comes Bully Ray. Yep. The guy that in kayfabe tried
to kill the promotion is now running things. Guess this makes sense though. Bully’s
the only guy that fans won’t boo. Bully says the first thing he heard from her
was “I’m sorry.” Not even the production guys never got one. Her gimmick seems
to be she’s trying not to screw up. If only that was her gimmick in 2009. Bully
says he came back for the fans. Good, because we’re not sure he’s getting paid.
Bully then says the wrestlers around the ring should stand on the ring apron
since they’re not beneath him. After accepting the offer, Bully announces a
battle royal to decide who faces EC3 later tonight. Since the wrestlers are not
in the ring, we’re suspecting Russo may want in.
The battle royal starts after we come back. Norv Fernum and
Crazzy Steve are out early. A lot of random fights with guys who may be gone
soon. Khoya eliminates Mandrews next. He may be our Roman Reigns soon. Shark
Boy’s out, followed by Manik. Abyss gets tossed by Magnus after a double
chokeslam. After a plug by Josh Mathews, both Magnus and James Storm are
dropped like Mickie James on traintracks. Back from the break, and a s---load
of guys are gone. Now it’s MVP, Eric Young, and Drew Galloway. Young and MVP double
team. MVP’s eliminated by Young, leaving Drew to face off with Young. Drew
reverses a piledriver, and after a quick sequence, Drew wins the match, and
will face EC3 later.
A video for 2012
Hall of Famer Sting, who went from Hall of Fame, to jobbing because he was
a WCW guy. We find out who goes in next next week.
Mike Tenay
interviews Mr. Anderson about Bram. Anderson says he doesn’t know if he will
face him again. Well he has a multi-year contract, so maybe.
After Bully makes
a Tommy Dreamer reference, he tells Rockstar Spud that he may not have beaten
Kurt Angle, he certainly showed he belongs. So he puts Spud in an X-Division
Championship match after the break. He makes matches quickly.
A video for Angle
as a HOFer is next. Boy it took a while before inducting someone who was there
from the beginning.
After a recap of
Drew winning, he basically says he will make the most of his shot. Eli Drake
wishes him luck. Did we mention he’s turning on him?
Tigre Uno will
address Donald Trump next week. Yep, we’re going political. We will also have
wrestlers dress as people running for president 2 years after the election.
Wait, we already did that. Sorry Daff.
Up next is a
fatal 4 way match for the X-Division Championship. Tigre Uno vs. Grado vs. DJZ
vs. Spud. Tigre Uno finds Grado is too fat to be kicked around. It takes both Tigre
Uno and DJZ to bring Grado down. We see Tigre Uno and DJZ have an entertaining
sequence before Grado and Spud team up on DJZ. Tigre Uno is able to bring Grado
down, and when both Spud and DJZ are on the outside, get the win.
TNA Knockout
Champion Taryn Terrell cuts her usual promo with 2 Girls, 1 Cup music playing.
This time, the Gail Kim revenge video cuts between it.
Taryn vs. Brooke
starts with vintage TNA. Taryn’s name is not on the graphic, but the music Billy’s
friend sung does. Taryn starts by assaulting Brooke while acting cute to referee
Earl Hebner. Brooke is able to battle back before Jade and Marti Belle gang up
on her while Taryn distracts the referee. Taryn wears Brooke down somw more
before Brooke uses a Russian legsweep to briefly regain momentum. Taryn taunts
a little bit before Brooke rallys. Again, Jade and Marti provide a distraction
so Taryn will be able to attack Brooke. Taryn sends her into the steps. Cesaro
will tell you just how bad they can be. She gets Brooke in the ring, and goes
up top. Her crossbody only gets two. Brooke uses a cradle, which seems to shake
Taryn’s focus. Brooke then uses clotheslines and back elbows before using what
we technically refer to as a spear. Brooke again sent down by Jade and Marti.
Lights go out. When they return, Gail assaults The Dollhouse. Lights go out
again. Gail is gone, and Brooke defeats Taryn.
Angle explains
that he and Bully have a lot in common. Both men were in an original ECW ring.
Angle then brings up the fast rate things have occurred the
last few tapings… Shows. Angle says he’s not happy that EC3 got himself DQ’ed.
He says Bully will pretend the rematch hasn’t been given yet, so he gets it
whenever he wants. Angle says that he can’t use it now because of a tumor he
has to get removed. This brings Young, who never likes those that are handicapped
or not healthy. Young says he’s the one that beat Angle after piledriving him.
Thinking about it, we should give Angle a brief final run. Young sneak attacks
Angle, and goes for a piledriver before Chris Melendez makes the save. Melendez
then gets piledriven.
A video for Team 3D from their induction. Bully returned
after the worst Rumble match ever.
We see the unsanctioned match from Slammiversary a few weeks
ago. Tweet of the night goes to @JBLsDragon Next on #DestinationIMPACT TNA laughs at fans who paid pay $50 to see #StormvsMagnus at
#slammiversary by replaying for free. Magnus starts by brawling with Storm on the
outside. Dragging him around, and sending him into the rail. They then brawl by
catering. Storm sending Magnus through the table. Worst post-Samoa Joe thing to
happen to the table. Cut to post powder throwing, we see Storm bring out an old
rail, and chairs. When Storm is ready to go off the top, Magnus gets a hold of
him, and superplexes him. Both men wallop each other with beer bottles, but
since Storm lands on Magnus, he wins. Guess you can get away with attempted
murder. Next, we get the vague promo on the Impact after the show. This feels
like Beat Down Clan stuff was supposed to be there. Cut to Storm saying he has
a partner, and it’s someone Mickie knows. We hope it’s Trish Stratus.
Bully finds EC3 is trying to get out of his match later
tonight. Bully refuses to hear it, and tells him he will defend.
EC3 vs. Drew is next. The Pope seems to be the face here. We
think. Not enough “Daddy” used. Drew gets EC3 into the corner before referee
Brian Hebner. EC3 is able to counter the momentum of Drew, but only briefly.
Drew chops away. Even when EC3 escapes the ring, Drew follows him. When Drew
gets EC3 into the ring, Tyrus attacks. Drake comes out to “even things up”.
After we return from the break, we see that EC3 is still in the driver’s seat.
After a suplex, EC3 uses several elbows. Drew battles out, but EC3 clotheslines
him back down. Chants of “Ethen’s awesome” and “No he’s not” are present as
Drew gets out of a camel clutch. EC3 then starts bashing Drew’s face into the
mat. After slapping Drew, EC3 finds it’s a bad idea. Drew starts to dominate with
power moves, but EC3 kicks out. Drew uses an emerald fusion, but Tyrus puts EC3’s
foot on the rope behind the referee. EC3 has to low-blow Drew, giving Tyrus
time to get in the ring. Drake cuts him off, but hits Drew in is the most
obvious swerve ever. EC3 uses a 1%er to win the match. Great match, but the
finish really would’ve been better if it wasn’t so obvious. Thank/Blame Billy.
A decent episode with a very chilling opening promo. Makes
you think that she knows the end may be near soon. Well that does it for this
week, at least for Hernandez.