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Thursday, July 16, 2015

NXT Review 7/15/2015

Well this past Monday showed what WWE’s “divas” division was lacking: Pushes for women that are not benefitting from personal relationships. And wouldn’t you know it, those women that proved this came from Triple-H’s pet project. So let’s go over this week’s episode.

We start with a recap of Charlotte teaming with, and being granted an NXT Womens Championship match against Sasha Banks. Both women are over, and put on great matches. Again, wouldn’t you know it.

Jason Jordan and Chad Gable vs. Steve Cutler and Alias Sampson Jordan starts against Sampson, and Jordan shows some amateur move before tagging in Gable. Gable shows what he can do against Cutler. Seems we have the makings of a new World’s Greatest Tag Team. Sampson tags in and gets the better of Gable before getting two. After Cutler tags in, Gable hits a desperation maneuver and tags in Jordan. After a flurry, Jordan tags Gable back in, and they hit a double team finisher and win.

A recap of Paige, Becky Lynch, Charlotte, and Sasha Banks mutilate the Bella Twits and Alicia Fox. WWE will find a way to screw it up.

Ad break sees an ad for Cena Owens 3, and Austin Buries His Stuff: The Video Game.

Samoa Joe vs. Axel Tisher. “Joe ist dich töten”. After a tie-up, Joe starts to slug it out with Tisher. Joe uses a knee drop on the chest. Tisher starts to rebound with some strikes and rubbing Joe’s face on the rope. Joe starts to regain momentum with an STO out of the corner. The match ends when Joe hits a muscle buster, then rear naked chokes Tisher until the match is stopped. A squash to establish Joe’s destructive style. We remember when we suggested making him a main eventer again. Who’s laughing now we ask.

Total Divas ad shows us Eva Marie. Well, at least she wrestles now.

A look at Baron Corbin sees him showing off college football championships, boxing championships, and a ju-jitsu run. Corbin brags about his NFL run, and says he doesn’t care that fans boo him. They’re really working to make this guy hated, but they’re trying. Unlike the main roster.

Eva Marie starts trolling fans when she announces she will wrestle next week. While the fans are mostly dead for this, we will find out next week.

NXT Tag Team Champions Blake and Murphy have their epileptic dubstep entrance when they walk out to destroy Angelo Dawkins and Sawyer Fulton. Murphy starts out with Dawkins. Dawkins get some offense in before Murphy uses a kick to enable him to tag in Blake. Blake uses a chinlock to bring Dawkins to the ground. He next tags Murphy back in. Murphy elbows Dawkins in the back before another chinlock Randy? Dawkins tries to get to Fulton, but Blake sneaks over and knocks him off. Blake and Murphy then win with their suplex into a frog splash finisher. Alexa Bliss direct them to keep assaulting Fulton. She then uses their assistance to use her sparkle splash.

We see Sasha preparing for her match later tonight.

Ad break for Tough Enough seems like a big joke.

Sami Zayn comes out to let fans know about his health status. Zayn likes how the fans want him back. Zayn says that he recently had surgery to repair the damage done to his shoulder earlier this year. Zayn says that what makes the injury tough is that it was on the heels of possibly his best year as a wrestler. He adds that he likely will not be back until next year. He hopes to return and become NXT Champion again. Though he brings up Kevin Owens, so we imagine he will return to cost him the Royal Rumble.

We get a recap of Charlotte making her offer to Sasha, as well as her challenge. Which leads us to Charlotte getting ready for the match.

A recap of Finn Balor defeating Owens to become Champion. This leads us to NXT General Manager William Regal announcing the rematch between them will be at the next Takeover, where after a few verbal jabs, Balor talks about how returning to Japan for a match like that could not be scripted better. The jabs resume when Owens said the same time Balor was in Japan, Owens was having big matches in New York.

Charlotte vs. Sasha main events the show. After sizing each other up, they tie up. A bit of a strut by Charlotte leads to another tie up. Sasha runs at Charlotte, but Charlotte’s agility proves to be difficult to overcome early on. Charlotte stays on Sasha until Sasha uses double knees to the stomach. It only gets two. An ad for WWE Shop selling NXT merchandise. Finally some stuff worth buying. Sasha is still dictating the match when the match returns. Sasha uses a choke with her foot to get Charlotte to Flair flop. Sasha then backstabbers Charlotte into a straitjacket. Despite Charlotte trying to counter out, Sasha keep on the offense before Charlotte powerbombs Sasha. Sasha is able to get up first, followed by a yay boo punch sequence before Charlotte uses a spear. Sasha gets out and attempts to win with a backslide. Sasha then slaps, but then gets poked in the eye followed by a series of punches. Charlotte attempts a figure-four, but Sasha rolls her up for two. Before Sasha locks in a figure-four, she is countered. Charlotte locks in the hold. Sasha reaches the rope, but Charlotte only releases at 4. Once back in the ring, Charlotte and Sasha use roll-ups for two. But finally, Sasha locks in a Bank Statement. Even though Charlotte tries for a pin, Sasha reverses. Eventually, Sasha gets this one. Even though Sasha went in as a heel, she acts very face-like in matches like this. So we imagine she’s a tweener now, if not face. The two hug to end the show.

This week was very squash heavy, but given the main event it had, we imagine that this was not much of a problem. In the weeks building to Takeover, we hope to see just what will take points off of the week’s building to Summerslam. Until then, have a decent week.