A few more days until we see Takeover: Summerslam be dammed.
We have to first go home. We shall discuss the events of tonight’s NXT instead of
shaming RAW for how it ended the promotion.
A recap of NXT Champion Finn Balor defeating Marcus Louis,
only to be attacked by Kevin Owens afterward, and Bayley defeating Becky Lynch
to become #1 contender against NXT Women’s Champion Sasha Banks. Really sets
the stage for both tonight, and Saturday.
NXT General Manager William Regal starts the show with the
contract signing with Bayley and Sasha. Bayley thanks Regal, and the fans
before talking about this as the biggest match of her life. She will not let the
opportunity slip through her fingers, and she feels she will win. For Sasha’s
turn, she says there’s a reason TakeOver will be in Brooklyn, and that she’s
not ratchet. Sasha says that Bayley’s good, but she’s not Sasha. Dueling chants
of “Bayley’s better” “No she’s not” are followed by Sasha saying she’s the best
in NXT. After all the signatures, Bayley says she knows how contract signings
work, and she’s ready to fight right now. Sasha asks if Bayley thinks Sasha is
scared of her, and adds that Bayley’s not on the main shows because she’s a
loser. Sasha says Bayley’s not worth it. Bayley charges at Sasha up the ramp
for their own “I WILL KILL YOU”! “YOU’RE GONNA HAVE TO”! With a few minutes,
both women, mainly Sasha, sold this women’s match better than the supposed
revolution angle has.
An ad for TakeOver shows the 2 matches to Summerslam’s 1.
Apollo Crews talks about how he has come to NXT to be the
best. This features footage of him training. He says fans should expect
greatness. He needs to be a Triple-H guy.
Tyler Breeze walks out with a Jushin “Thunder” Liger mask.
We see his opponent has Ryzin on his gear, so Triple-H wants him dead. Breeze
uses an armdrag, then tries showing off before getting rolled up for only two.
Breeze uses a supermodel kick to get the win. He then uses the mask like the
Beautiful People did bags. Breeze then says he’s not impressed with Liger
before using a beauty shot on Ryzin, and taking the mask back off, and steps on
it walking up the ramp.
Tonight, Owens delivers a final declaration.
An ad for Summerslam: The Revenge of the Taker
The Hype Bros, Enzo and Big Cass vs. several unnamed
wrestlers. Jesse Sorenson is the opposing team’s captain. Enzo and Big Cass do
their thing on the microphone before the match. Mojo Rawley starts by throwing
Jesse around, before tagging in Zack Ryder. Ryder uses his agility to get
several shots in before tagging Enzo. Jesse tags out. Leading to Enzo facing a
guy that looks like Jeff Hardy stole Glacier’s gear, and a guy wearing rubber
tights. Enzo gets Big Cass in. Big Cass almost gets the win before Jesse makes
the save. Jesse gets taken out by the Hype Bros, leaving Big Cass to get the
win. Good for what it was, but we hope Jesse gets a look. The winners of this
match take on Dash Wilder, Scott Dawson, Jason Jordan, and Chad Gable next week.
The heels tell Devin Taylor that they intend to win next week against the
NXT merchandise. Wrestling merchandise that is the least
embarrassing of any WWE merchandise.
Samoa Joe vs. Steve Cutler. Cutler strikes first with
punches, but the man from The Nation of Violence, California uses an STO, and a
Coquina clutch to win quickly. As Joe goes to the back, Baron Corbin attacks
Joe on the ramp, and brawls with him near the old RAW commentary table before
bringing the fight to the ring. Corbin uses his end of days to have what is
essentially his longest match in months.
An ad for Tough Enough: Please Watch.
Bull Dempsey has shown he I no longer a comedy character.
Next week, he’s in action.
NXT Tag Team Champions Blake and Murphy vs. Angelo and Sawyer
Fulton. Blake starts off against Dawkins with a quick feeling out. Dawkins
takes Blake down, and uses several quick moves before hitting a sunset flip for
two. Blake rolls out of the way of the offense, and uses a desperation
offensive move leading to Murphy and Fulton tagging in. Fulton uses a spinning
gutwrench suplex before trying to run at Murphy. This leads to the suplex into
a frog splash pin. The Vaudevillains walk out to disclose they have a plan to
counteract Alexa Bliss. She slaps them several times before we don’t hear who
will finally kill her.
An ad for WWE2K16 has Dean Ambrose vs. Arnold
Schwarzenegger. One’s been forged in a brutal, scary place. The other is a
A Summerslam ad. We respect that Cena wrestled through what
he did, but other wrestlers have suffered worse injuries, and have been treated
like garbage.
Next week sees Eva Marie vs. Carmella, and Becky vs. Charlotte
vs. Dana Brooke vs. Emma. Guess which match we are wanting to watch.
Owens walks out with a ladder, ready to talk about his match
this Saturday. Owens looks at the ladder before getting heel heat for reminding
fans where the show takes place. Owens says the fans are hypocrites for rooting
for Owens until he injures Sami Zayn. He calls the fans the John Cena of
wrestling fans because they’re not genuine. Better than being the Hulk Hogan of
fans. Owens says he’s the reason TakeOver is sold out, and that the fans are
ungrateful. He says he’ll feel better beating Balor. Owens says Balor needs to
understand that the win in Japan was a fluke, and that Balor is wrestling a
different Owens. Owens needs to win to stick it to the fans, and prove he’s
better than Balor. As Owens ascends the ladder, he says Balor will be on the
ground getting medical attention while Owens grabs the gold. The lights go out
as if Owens challenged the streak. When they go red, Balor’s not on the stage,
he’s in the ring staring at Owens. A fast brawl follows between Owens and
Balor. Balor grabs the ladder and goes to hit Owens, but Owens rolls out of the
ring. Balor tells Owens he won’t just win, he will kick Owens’ ass and shut his
mouth. Balor has the attention of everyone.
While the wrestling itself was light, the main feuds basically
have been built nicely. TakeOver has always had the image of being better than
WWE PPVs, but this week has made sure TakeOver has set the standards high.
Once again, TakeOver will be our last NXT review for
basically the next month. A lot of things outside of our internet existence has
made it to where we need to streamline what shows we talk about. And we think
it is a good idea to talk about the last month of Impact before we can resume
NXT. We do have a lot to do until then. One more Bad PPV Summer to go, and who
we think will be the winners of Summerslam. But rest assured, TakeOver will get
a review. Until then, Have a good one.