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Sunday, July 19, 2015

Creative Locks: Battleground

Tonight is WWE’s Battleground PPV. Now the only major thing that we remember from last year is cable news losing it’s mind about a Rusev promo. Well with the Republicans teaming up on Donald Trump, and Hilary Clinton hiding with 2Pac and B.D. Cooper, we imagine Rusev is sitting safe, provided he gets a last minute match. In any instance, here is what we think will go down tonight

Pre-Show Match
King Barrett vs. R-Truth
Basically, this match is the who is slightly better off match. Barrett has been made into the KOTR just to keep him from getting over. And while WWE may get their wish if he was now just Barrett, we see this as Truth being presented as more of annoyance to Barrett. The biggest reason was Barrett’s “I had to win a tournament” speech. As such, the only what’s up is an elbow upside Truth’s head.
Winner: King Barrett

WWE Tag Team Championship Match
The Prime Time Players vs. The New Day
As great as it is to have the Prime Time Players reign as Champions, they haven’t really done much apart from the occasional teaming with a random face thing. Whereas The New Day have been doing a lot between promos and matches. While we find many times when the previous Champion says they’ll regain it, that that means they will lose. This time though, it may just be a spoiler.
Winners: The New Day

Sheamus vs. Randy Orton
As much as we want to think WWE has decided to make the Money in the Bank satus mean something apart from when they use it, we think they will, at least for a brief period, go with the same pattern. Sheamus has actually taken to this heel run very well, and we would not mind seeing him use it on a non-Lesnar wrestler. However, we know that Orton is the back-up Cena, and since he’s returning from a brief absence with leave, we expect him to go from brogue kick to an RKO.
Winner: Randy Orton

Bray Wyatt vs. Roman Reigns
While it is fun to say “Make Roman look really strong”, this match seems more about humanizing him. This match feels less like a match to have him reign, it’s more of the match that will cause him to seek redemption. In order for this, he has to lose focus, which enables Wyatt to secure a win. We expect the announcers to act like someone was killed in front of them after a Wyatt win.
Winner: Bray Wyatt

WWE United States Championship Match
John Cena vs. Kevin Owens
This will be the match Triple-H will fight for. Owens has been built up too well for him to lose in a big way. In this way, the match is a toss-up. Cesaro being added to the mix makes it likely we will find a triple threat match will happen. Though we do think that because Owens has lost the NXT Championship, that it makes it very likely he’s trading in one belt for another.
Winner: Kevin Owens

WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match
Seth Rollins vs. Brock Lesnar
Seth Rollings (Get Well Soon Little Kuriboh) is going into this match seeming like a pathetic little runt while Ba-Rock Lesnar (Again, Get Well) is going in with all the momentum. This does not actually bode well for Lesnar. Lesnar’s formula is that his opponents go in ready for a war with a man, only to find Lesnar is not a normal man. Rollins seems like he fully expects to be torn apart like a big dog on a tennis ball. This seems too much like something big will help him keep the Championship. According to some, that is a returning Undertaker. Whether this is Taker returning to get revenge on an ungrateful jerk that didn’t care that Kane got injured for him, or to exorcise one more demon before he retires, we cannot say. We imagine whoever gets attacked, Lesnar will get hit first to get him a DQ win. One thing everyone may expect that in this main event is that The Man Comes Around.
Winner: Brock Lesnar (By DQ)

Well those are our predictions. We’re not sure how well we find ourselves being at this, but we did the best we can after an all-night bender. Enjoy the show.