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Friday, July 24, 2015

NXT Review 7/22/2015

A lot has already happened this week to show that Takeover has a big act to top in regards to SummerSlam. But don’t worry, they intend on doing so tonight.

We start with a recap of NXT Champion Finn Balor winning the prize from Kevin Owens. Tonight will be his first appearance since winning.

Balor walks down holding the Championship belt.  With the arena on it’s feet, Balor starts by saying that everyone knows about his time in Japan, and the sacrifices he’s made. It affected his decision do go to NXT. And the moment he was handed the belt, he knew everything was all worth it to hold the championship in the air. The fans start with “Thank you Finn”, which leads into talk about the rematch with Owens, and will be made official later. Balor talks about the achievements of Owens in the time he’s been in WWE, and says that he never bear Balor. Balor says he will walk in as Champion, and walk out as Champion. Good promo to start the reign of Balor.

Devin Taylor talks to Eva Marie about her upcoming match. Eva Marie thanks NXT GM William Regal for her shot, and hopes to prove fans wrong about her.

An ad for SummerSlam, and more importantly, The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar. Basically, the only match so far.

Eva Marie walks out wearing a robe for a Ric Flair-themed stripper. She faces Kassie. Time to see if Brian Kendrick deserves money. After reversing an armlock, we get chants of “Let’s go Eva” Eva sucks”! Kassie tries coming back, but Eva Marie hits a decent suplex. Eva Marie locks Kassie’s arm, but releases and sends her in the corner. After a big boot and seated senton, Eva Marie gets two. She goes back to the left arm. Kassie uses a jawbreaker to get out, and uses several kicks. Lance Storm trains more great wrestlers. Eva Marie uses an underhanded tactic to throw Kassie off, and uses sliced bread #2 to win. A decent match. We hope there’s more improvement.

Regal is surprised about Eva Marie before Tyler Breeze interrupts wanting to know what’s in store for him. Regal says he does, and gets back to his call.

Baron Corbin is next. His latest opponent gets no name, just a quick job. Corey Graves calls him Grimace. If anyone is an authority on how one looks…

An ad for WWE2K16 is next. Austin really loves burying his stuff.

Samoa Joe vs. Mike Rallis. Rallis starts brawling with Joe before Joe reverses to “Joe is gonna kill you”. Joe brings him down with an elbow to the face. He then chops in one corner, and jumps up to kick in another. We find out Joe is facing Rhyno at TakeOver. Meanwhile, Rallis gets Uranage’d before a muscle buster secure Joe’s win. Another squash tonight.

Devin with Emma and Dana Brooke. Expect a head pat. Devin asks about Bayley wanting to give her more than a hug. Emma mocks Bayley’s broken hand before Dana offers a hug. Then we get the head pat.

Tough Enough. Basically the WCW 2000 to NXT’s RAW.

Emma has a new theme, while Dana has yet more new gear. A recap of Emma beating Bayley. Bayley’s back with her entrance. We think her gimmick is, putting it nicely, confusing. Fans support both women as the match begins. Emma starts by assaulting Bayley, and pulling her hair. Bayley eventually Bayley’s up and rams Emma into the turnbuckle. Emma roughly escapes, and attacks Bayley’s injured hand upon return. After a snapmare, Emma starts stretching the hand. Eventually separating the fingers. When Bayley tries to get out, Emma lets go and goes for a pin. After only two, Emma continues the assault before attempting a straitjacket. Bayley gets momentum, and uses an elbow off the buckle for two. Bayley and Emma double clothesline. When Bayley tries to get up, Dana tries attacking the hand, and is ejected. After several quick pin attempts, Bayley hits the Bayley to belly to win the match. Bayley then says that felt amazing, and says she’s back to become NXT Women’s Champion. Bayley says in order to do that, she needs to prove it by challenging Charlotte.

A recap of Charlotte making Brie Bella tap twice in a week. Charlotte then explains to new interviewer Dasha Fuentes that what’s been going on on RAW is a statement. That she is just showing how it’s done in NXT, and she wants to face Bayley. Dana interrupts by saying Charlotte has been given more chances because of her last name. Charlotte challenges Dana, who leaves Dasha alone.

The Vaudvillains, easily the team we expect to be ratf---ed by the main roster, vs. Sawyer Fulton and Angelo Dawkins. Simon Gotch uses a roll-up early on to try to defeat Dawkins early, but Dawkins kicks out. As Fulton and Dawkins team assault, we find the Vaudevillains face Blake and Murphy next week. Fulton uses an abdominal stretch before tagging in Dawkins. After a bearhug/dropkick team move. Dawkins tries to dominate, but Aiden English gets the tag and lights them up before a Whirly Dervish helps Gotch get the pin to win. Decent, but short, match.

NXT Tag Team Champions Blake and Murphy are interviewed by Devin, who brings up the Vaudevillains’ success. Murphy says they’re a great present team. Alexa Bliss says her team will remain Champions. Ok promo.

WWEShop has NXT merchandise. Basically, stuff you see on the good show.

Regal is in the ring for the signing, talking about NXT raising the bar. Of course. WWE’s main roster has a problem. Before Regal finishes his thought, Owens barges out. Owens demand for Balor to walk out. Balor is all smiles with his belt. Balor enters, and puts the Championship belt down. Owens asks how it feels to be Champion. He adds that Balor will defend in the biggest NXT match, “in Brooklyn” for heat. He also asks how Balor feels being the underdog. Owens brings up what he’s done in his time in WWE, and that it’s only the first six months. He plans on showing Japan was a fluke, and he not only intends to beat Balor. Balor says he will take Owens’ words, and shove them down his throat. We know Vince didn’t write this because he said throat. After the signing, Regal announces it is officially going to happen. Balor throws the contract, flips the table, punches Regal, and tries to attack Balor. Balor however runs him off to end the show. Effective promo to sell this main event right.

A good night for action. Again, mostly squashes, but we at least saw Eva Marie kn ows what she’s doing now, Bayley is healthy again, and the biggest rematch in NXT is on. Hope next week provides more action, until then, have a good week.