Another week sees more action from the show that shows Triple-H
isn’t all about burying people. In this instance, let’s watch the Triple-H’s
birthday edition of NXT.
Enzo and Big Cass vs. Dash Wilder and Scott Dawson starts
the show off after a decent promo from Enzo and Big Cass. Dawson gains the
advantage with a headlock. Though Enzo’s dance moves get him out of trouble. Dash
tags in, but gets hit with a crossbody. After this, Big Cass tags in. After a
few power moves help maintain the advantage, Enzo tags back in. After Enzo goes
after Dawson, Dash is able to get the better of him. Frequent tagging from Dawson
and Dash helps them remain in charge. Dawson slingshot Enzo off the ropes. Dash
tags in, and his attempt to charge in the corner is the opportunity for Big Cass
to tag in. After Dash takes Big Cass out, Dawson and Dash are able to hit the
shatter machine to win. Despite the loss, a fan has to take a photo of Carmella’s
ass. Subtle. Though the match wasn’t bad.
Devin Taylor interviews Jason Jordan and Chad Gable about
their teaming together. Jordan mocks Gable a bit, but says they’re about
getting the job done. Gable mocks the other tag teams in the division when
talking about what they can do. We’ll call them NXT’s Greatest Tag Team.
WWE2K16 should also have Robocop if The Terminator is a pre-order
A promo video about the feud between Charlotte and Dana Brooke.
Baron Corbin vs. Paragon Pro Wrestling World Heavyweight
Champion Jesse Sorenson. We really wish Jesse was featured in a better match
than a one-move squash.
NXT General Manager William Regal is angered Tyler Breeze
interrupts demanding to have an opponent at Takeover. Regal tells him to be
careful what he wishes for.
NXT’s Greatest Tag Team vs. Elias Samson and Levis
Valenzuela Jr. Jordan tosses Valenzuela around before Samson tags in. Gable
wants in, so he tags in. Gable is able to quickly regain the advantage against
Samson. Gable keeps on him while fans root for him. Samson kicks Jordan’s hand,
which causes the referee distraction Sampson needs to get a double team going.
Samson uses a few quick moves and a chinlock, but a Judo throw helps Gable to
tag in Jordan. After a few lightning quick moves, Gable tags back in to win. A
short, but good match.
Devin interviews Dana and Emma. Dana talks about how no one
thought she would be able to get the better of Charlotte recently, but she did.
She then fakes out the head pat thing.
An ad for Summerslam: Vengeance Unearthed.
We see a video for Bull Dempsey’s kayfabe weight problems.
The “Now it’s time to get Bull-Fit” videos save the angle. His comedic training
montage are the kind of thing that we don’t want to see the main bookers
Charlotte vs. Dana is up next. During the staredown, we
really notice Charlotte has inherited her father’s expressions and ring presence.
After the brief attack by Charlotte, Dana uses a flurry of fists. However, it
is Charlotte’s strength that surprises Dana, and forces her to get serious.
After using power moves herself, she finds she is not able to get a pin.
Therefore, she starts to stretch her. Though Charlotte gets out and, after a
few quick moves, spears Dana. Emma tries to get involved, but Charlotte attacks
first before hitting natural selection to win. Afterwards, she wipes her feet
near Dana before saying “get out of my ring” Good match for the time it had.
Samoa Joe explains he wants to be NXT Champion, and that
Rhyno stands in his way. So he will beat him down, and choke him out.
Regal is shown from last week to be angered at Kevin Owens’
actions at the signing. He is surprised at the apology from Owens, most likely
trying to save his job.
Get the Tough Enough app, and decide who Miz will save.
Devin interviews Eva Marie, who says she’s just getting
started, and wants to become NXT Women’s Champion. Given she’s not all the way
there yet, it’s not that scary.
Owens vs. Martin Stone sees a recap from the brawl between
Owens and NXT Champion Finn Balor. When the match starts, Owens punches away.
Owens uses an elbow to bring him down. Followed by a senton. Owens uses a suplex
into his cannonball. After a Swanton, he uses his pop-up powerbomb to win the
match. Owens then uses the move again along the apron before doing Balor’s
entrance taunt. Decent squash.
A video showcases Rhyno, his destructive power, and his
reigns as United States Champion, WWF Hardcore Champion, ECW Television Champion,
and ECW World Heavyweight Champion.
NXT Tag Team Champions Blake and Murphy vs. The Vaudevillains
is the main event. Alexa Bliss leads us to think two things: That her wearing
pink and black means her and Natalya can be a new Hart Foundation, and that if
she kayfabe married Buddy Murphy, her name would make her Robocop. Simon Gotch
starts against Wesley Blake. Gotch uses a few grappling moves before going for
la magisterial for only two. He quickly tags in Aiden English, who powers out
to the point where Murphy tags in. After English overcomes the team dynamic, we
go to a break. An ad for NXT merchandise. Basically, the WWE merchandise few
hate. Back from break, and Gotch is working on Murphy’s arm. English tags in,
and quickly finds himself again having to overcome the Champions. After English
tosses Murphy out of the ring, Blake is able to take advantage. After this,
Murphy tags back in, and uses a chinlock to keep English on defense. When English
tries to get the tag, Murphy gets English into the corner. However a
miscommunication enables English to tag in Gotch. Gotch leave Blake laid out,
and English is about to hit the whirly dervish, but Alexa grabs the leg, enabling
Murphy to get the win. The Vaudevillains do hit the move later on, and leave
Blake and Murphy knocked out. After teasing that they will hit her like it was
1998, they do not. She slaps them, and leaves with her wrestlers. Great match.
Strange finish, even weirder aftermatch.
NXT seems to only have one match for it’s August event, and possible
options. This makes the whole thing like watching WWE proper. Though the better
booking makes it tolerable. We find it’s actually less of a chore to watch as
well. Until next week.